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Why can't I get Maximum Internet speed? Because Internet traffic travel in bursts of segments (packets) and governs by TCP protocol
BITS and Bytes
Many Internet users
commonly called
actually refers to "bandwidth"--or volume of bits per seconds (throughput),
the number of bits that can be transmitted in a second called
"latency"--the amount of time, in milliseconds, that it takes a given
"packet" of "bits" to travel from one PCs to another. |
Guaranteed to solve your problems! Links to a host of experts to answer all your questions
Why can't I get Internet max-speed? Having slow Internet throughput? How to tweak your PC's for Internet maximum throughput?
Setting serial port to the maximum
Medical Resources on the Internet? |
High bandwidth is necessary but there's an equal important factor in how long it takes a Web page to download--the time a single bit takes to get from a website to your PCs. The "bit's" is limited by the speed of light and congestion on the Internet or servers. It is not just a simple matter of getting from point A to B --See: Router Assuming that a web page containing 18Kb which is equals to 18,000 bytes or 144,000 bits (1 byte equals 8 bits). Therefore, with a 28.8 Kilobits per second (Kbps) modem that transfer 28,800 bits per seconds (bps) you would expect the web page to appear in five seconds (144,000 divided by 28,800) it will not. See: UART That's because transmission control protocol (TCP) the protocol that governs the download, you don't receive the page in one go. Internet traffic travel in bursts of segments (packets or datagram) of around 536 bytes (4,288 bits). TCP first ask for one segment and checks that it receives it.... ...then it asks for two segments, check it, asks for four and so on until it is using all the bandwidth it can. This careful checking and doubling helps to stop a program from hogging the Internet.
But each check requires a back and |
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Hacking, Hackers, Tech & Geek, Freebies Slow Internet--want to know where the hang-up is? Ping your ISP server or website you are visiting to figure out which is slowing you down Spam driving you crazy? In a few minutes time, you will have the easiest and most powerful way to stop it When disaster strikes and you didn't back-up? Prepare for disaster with a back-up disaster recovery plan How to double or triple your Internet throughput? Dial-up modem, Network, Cable, DSL, ISDN, whatever... Useful freeware and shareware software's, tools, listings, anti-spam, VoIP, games download
CGI: What the Heck Is That? |
As well as whether you are using ISDN single line 64kbps or dual line 128kbps, DSL 256/512kbps or ADSL 12/480 Mbps running on USB 1.I or USB 2.0 support by the motherboard. Note: Different ISP provide different up-load and download speed--meaning that having a 256/512Kbps DSL or 480Mbps USB 2.0 High Speed or Full Speed 12 Mbps 2.0 USB ADSL download does not mean that you can up-load at the same speed, check it up with your ISPs. If the network is congested or lost packets, the doubling process is slowed, adding additional messages called ACK (acknowledgments) across the internet. When the "time" is large--perhaps the Web-server is far away or the Internet is congested, there will be some delay before you get to see the web page. ISP Bandwidth is the bandwidth that your Internet Service Provider offers and it can affect your modem speed. Your ISP may have a T1 (1.544Mbps) or E1 (2.048Mbps) to the back-bone of the Internet, but this is of little use if they only feed your POP (Point-of-Presence) with a 64Kbps data line and also that you may not be the only user being on-line at the same time........Therefore, when you are connected to your POP (Point-of-Presence) you ultimately share bandwidth with all other users that are also connected to it at the same time. So, if two users' modems connect to their ISP modems at 56Kbps and if the POP (Point-of-Presence) is served by a 64Kbps data line, then, they both share this 64K bandwidth. Port speed is the speed between your computer serial port and your modem. The port speed can be set to 110, 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 and 230400 and above for some PCs Line speed is the speed between your modem and the modem at the other end (your ISP) of the telephone line. Depending on the modem, the line speed can be 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 12000, 14400, 16800, 19200, 21400, 24000, 28800, 31200, 33600 bps and 56600 bps. See: Shareware to speed-up downloading Line speed is normally determined automatically for each connection between your PCs modem and your ISP modem. If line conditions allow, the modems connect at the highest compatible speed.
About Port Numbers Each of the services that the machine performs is done by a program. Each program does something called listening on a port. A port number is actually a number between 1 and 65535 which identifies to the receiving computer what function you want to perform. Determining the Port speed
Changing the Port speed
See: Setting serial port to the maximum can optimize a PCs ability to process data to the theoretical maximum Notes: 56Kbps modem which is V92 compliance (if it is supported by your ISP) allows you to have maximum upload speed (V90 upload 33kbps) More info about modem at: www.56k.com See: How to double or triple your Internet connection throughput? Poor phone line pick up your phone hand set and listen carefully or call a friend--do you hear any hissing sound or crackle static noise--if yes, what you have is a bad line connection which may be solved if you call your phone company to re-wire it. |
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