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Penniless and friendless

Minute Wisdom
Food for the Soul and Mind

This issue: Penniless and friendless

A young man inherited a large sum of money and as
usual in cases like these, he squandered all his
inherited wealth--penniless, he found that all his friends
have deserted him as well.

At his wit's end, he sought the help of the Wiseman.

Young man:
What is to become of me? I have no money and
no friends, can you show me how to recoup what
I have lost.

Mark my words, young man; Don't worry, all will be
well with you again soon.

Young man:
Eyes shone with hopeful expectation;
"Will I be rich again?"

Of course not! You will simply get used to being
lonely and penniless.

Questions to Ponder?
Have we learned anything from the "Wiseman" today?
Can we apply it to our daily business or personal lives?

If you want improved results and don't change, how
can you expect better results? Success or failure is not
based on luck, it is based on your commitment.


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