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How to Telnet or PING the mail server and determine if the problem is with your Internet connection? Telnet are programs that allows a user to remotely login into a distant and remote computer site.  

How to Telnet or PING the mail server and determine if the problem is with your Internet connection?

Experiencing problem
connecting to your (ISPs) mail server?

Problems with connecting to the mail server or receiving error such as could not resolve host or 550 access denied error message from your mail client (Eudora, Outlook, etc., if you


are using your own mail server program...
click here
Mail Server FAQs

You can make use of Telnet or (see below using PING) the mail server and determine if the problem is with your Internet connection.

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are programs that allows a user to remotely login into a distant and remote computer site (usually a password and login ID is required).

When using telnet you will need to enter the mail server and its port number. Normally the default service ports for the SMTP, POP3, and IMAP4 mail servers are:
SMTP port 25
POP3 port 110
IMAP4 port 143.
If your mail server uses other
port number you will need to contact your ISP or your IT system manager... (SMTP - Simple Mail Transport Protocol a protocol governing email transmission and reception (sending and receiving emails between mail servers).

This how to connect to the mail server using telnet - You need to display a DOS prompt in Windows. Go to Start/Run, type in CMD and click OK.

Telnet - A program that allows a user to remotely login into a distant and remote computer site (usually a password and login ID is required).

Click >Start button and select >Run  >at the prompt: (key-in) telnet port 25 Click OK to connect to the SMTP server

Click >Start button and select >Run >at the prompt: (key-in) telnet port 110 Click OK to connect to

If the connection is successful, a response from the mail server will appear in the telnet window.




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This how to connect to the mail server using PING or download a freeware PING checking program.

PING your server using Window's
After you have logged on (online)

>Start >Run >Open >key-in: cmd.exe
>Click OK for the command prompt

PING - your server using Window's Win95,98,Me - After you have logged on (online)
>START  >PROGRAMS  >MS DOS prompt and type:
-t follow by your ISP DNS (DNS domain name server) IP address. Example: ping -t or you can also do this:

PING - Packets Internet Groper are utilities that send data packets (datagram of around 536 bytes (4,288 bits) to a remote computer and request a respond--then wait for the respond and report the time it takes for the datagram return. It also check if the IP address is valid and reachable, if after a predetermined time, the packet does not return, PING command will return with "destination host unreachable".

During the interim, the elapsed time is recorded and reported if the packet successfully reaches its destination and an acknowledgement is returned (throughput).

Throughput? The outgoing & incoming bits & bytes datagram between your computer, ISP connection and the Internet network.

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