How do I track my email By creating a HTML formatted email (webpage) message and embed tracker PHP, Java, CGI or Perl scripts. Therefore, when your recipients read or view the email (while they are viewing your email on-line but not very effective if they are having a dial-up account or they have turned-off online viewing to prevent virus infecting their machine. Or if their system administrator blocked all HTML messages or that they are using a spam filter to view your message in the mail server before downloading it or if it is downloaded--their spam filter block any embedded scripts from accessing the internet), they will be tracked by their IP address and data collected. Usually the best and least intrusive method of tracking email "view through" rate is to entice the them with "freebies" by asking them to visit a specially created site to track their visit via a visitor counter or alternatively track them through your site statistic provided by most website hosting ISPs. See: Email Tracking
How to email message with auto POP-up For your email recipients to be automatically directed to a specified website and open the browser at the same time, you only need to embed a few lines of command codes into the HTML formatted email, between the <body Tag of your HTML formatted message. <BODY onload="window.open('http://www.mywebsitezzz.com',
For POP-up windows only when user click on a link Other Resources for Pop-Up WindowsIf you've tried to find the right JavaScript code to open and manipulate pop-ups, look no further. Some of the tutorials included will help even novices begin to understand how JavaScript works to make web pages more functional http://www.wilsonweb.com/wmt8/popups_resources.htm How to Use Pop-Up Windows Effectively and ResponsiblyPop-ups can be extremely annoying. But that
doesn't mean you shouldn't use them. Here is an article that describe the
marketing importance of two kinds of pop-ups: |