Can't find what you need? Try....Google
Mr Ptere Thiruselvam
Best Wishes, Pete
Editor's Note 03/12/01

All of a sudden everybody and their grandmother can throw up a website and a shopping cart and they can sell to the world.

It is not the days of purely brick and mortar, it is the world of digital stores which reach out and entice people even when the shopkeeper is asleep.

The ease and lower cost of creating an online store naturally increases the number of sellers and puts a higher premium on the buyers.

Featured Article
by Mr A.T.Rendon

This article put the focus on where an online storekeepers eyes should be: On...
What Online Customers Want

We have all heard the horror stories and watched as one after another bit the cyberdust into oblivion. They may have had multimillion dollar


budgets and a staff of hundreds of employees but they all made a fatal error; they forgot to put the customer first.

That is not surprising since most business schools in America teach that the most important thing in business is Money. That fatal error was naturally played out online but with more immediate effects that are now all too obvious. Money is not the most important thing in business; it is the customer.

Why?... Because it is the customer that brings in the money to a business. The impersonal nature of the Internet made that old business strategy die before it was even born. And it deserves to go the way of extinction.
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It is time that the customer was made 'Top Priority'. The online business experience must be virtually perfect and saving that nothing in this world can possibly be perfect, it must be geared for the inevitable foul ups that occur due to too much Internet traffic or other such strange glitches as are known to happen online.

The most flawless way to conduct business online is via email. The drawback here is SPAM. If you bring a web site into play, then you need to make it as painless as possible for your customers.

Here are a few basics
that online customers want:

1. Net savvy customers dislike slow downloads of web pages and graphics.
There is a need for speed.

2. Navigation that makes no sense is another big problem.

3. Limited selection will cause customers to look elsewhere.

4. Online order systems must be flawless and offer an alternative in case of breakdown.

5. Provide FREE content to wet the appetite of your customer.

Unless you learn to care for your customers online, then you too will go the way of the dinosaur and those Dot.coms

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When you open a business, in a sense, you are causing a new birth to begin. This new birth was created from an idea alone by you or your associates. It will have its own bank account, it's own federal identification number, it's own credit accounts, it's own income and it's own bills.

On paper, it is another individual! Just as if you were choosing a name for your own unborn child, you need to spend considerable time in deciding upon your business name.

There are several reasons why a good business name is vitally important to your business. The first obvious reason is because it is the initial identification to your customers.

No one would want to do business with someone if they didn't have a company name yet. This makes you look like an amateur who is very unreliable.

Even if you call your company "Kevin's Lawn Service," a company name has been established and you are indeed a company. People will therefore feel more comfortable dealing with you.


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A.T.Rendon is an entrepreneur and published writer. Subscribe to FREE Business Classifieds Newsletter Ad Sites!" mailto: subscribe_fbcn9 Visit us at: